Thursday, November 15, 2007

Save the Bobcats

These cute animals deserve to live!! SO STOP LITTERING because they will choke on trash that people throw out their widows on their cars. These cute baby animals will play with the trash and then they will eat it because they don't know what it is. They also might be hungry and because they not had any food for a long time. They also might not have any mom or dad because they might have been killed by hunters. Because these cute animals are so cute. We don't want them to die. THEY WILL BECOME EXTINCT FOREVER IF WE DON'T TAKE CARE OF THEM!! These animals HAVE BEEN ON THE ENDANGER LIST FOR A LONG TIME AND IF WE DON'T TAKE CARE OF THEM THERE WON'T BE ANY MORE LEFT SO STOP LITTERING PEOPLE!! THANK YOU!!!!


Unknown said...

I belive that too...It makes me feel bad that people like us kill these beautiful animals. And just for fun!!!


Anonymous said...

this is sad dude

Anonymous said...

that's sad dude

SFF said...

ya cuz they're so frickin close to being extinct right now

filho said...

Muito bom seu Blog
Eu gostei da Materia sobre
os Bobcat.

exxie123 said...

I love bobcats and i would love for my kids to see these beautiful animals

exxie123 said...

I love bobcats and i would love for my kids to see these beautiful animals

Darren Johnson said...

They are cute, and they are in danger of us. We need more people like you guys to help make a difference.

Nice blog!


Unknown said...

i have seen one before take a bath in a huge bucket

Unknown said...

I have seen one before take a bath in a huge bucket!

Unknown said...

I just saw a bobcat the other day taking a bath in our drinking troth outside of our house!

angelina said...

its sooo cute